Интересные детали реквизита Бэтмена из Batman v Superman.
На прилавки западных магазинах поступила интересная книга «Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice — Tech Manual», в которой описывается множество деталей и элементов реквизита для фильма, из которых, в свою очередь, можно узнать много чего интересного.
1. Дизайн логотипа Бэтмена Логотип Бэтмена — один из самых важных элементов костюма и общего образа героя, поэтому неудивительно, что перед утверждением финального варианта Зак Снайдер перебрал более 30 различных дизайнов. ‘FROM HEAD ТО TOE .THERE’S TEXTURE EVERYWHERE THERE’S WEAR AND TEAR. MICHAEL WILKINSON PPQOUCmON “The suit itself is really quite simple.” says Wilkinson. 'It's a thin layer of fabric that looks like a technical carbon fiber tri-weave But it skims the body so you can see every muscle. So it's this incredibly intimidating figure that looks a lot like the way he's drawn in the graphic novel[s). Also. Zack really wanted the costume to look like it had been around for a long time, that he'd fought in it over the decades He wanted the sense that there is a battle-worn quality to the costume."
2. Высокотехнологичный шлем На первый взгляд может показаться, что шлем Бэтмена является простой маской (особенно когда в одной из сцен Супермен срывает ее с Брюса), но на самом деле под тканью скрывается высокотехнологичное устройство со всеми необходимыми функциями, в том числе и для изменения голоса. wan an mrncwi “Zack needed something lor AMred to be worKing on during a discussion w ith Bruce in the Batcave,' explains prop master Doug Har locker This was seen as an opportunity to show that the Fabric upper of the cowl hid a protective helmet that doubled as houses (or magnification and communications kits. **0f course the cowl isn't just a piece of clothing that he’s wearing over his head, it's actually a huge piece of technology,' says Harlocker “We did a 30 model оГ it and scaled it to the outer cowt We reverse-engineered it. we grew and molded parts and we milled certain parts out of aluminum m* ' * «> — ч Л m ' * r -S? ^ - A
3. Оружие Робина Мы все привыкли к тому, что Робин использует для битвы с врагами шест или, в случае с Найтвингом, дубинки. Но в обновленной кинематографической вселенной Робин был тем еще суровым товарищем — в мануале приведены примеры его вооружений. Похоже, что он привык расправляться с преступностью при помощи подобия алебарды. ROBIN WAS AROUND BEFORE HIS UNTIMELY DEMISE AT THE HAND OF... THE CLUE'S ON THE COSTUME! (total's desecrated suit stands as a reminder for Batman of just what's at stake when he fails to get the better of the criminals he spends his We trying to bring to justice This idea also fed through into Robin's weapon Originally designed and constructed as a complete item, as filming drew closer the director decided to f eature it as a broken artefact instead "That wasZack saying look, maybe we should Just make it look as if it's been broken and smashed.” says props master Doug Harlocker “So we deconstructed it in order to film it “ ZACK SNYDER ЙЗ- rj |H * 1 1 lawoirr иисдп abmobyLEZ
4. Гравированное оружие Чудо-Женщины Надписи на мече Дианы (как и криптонские надписи на костюме Супермена) черпают вдохновение из работ Джозефа Кэмпбелла. На мече написано «Жизнь постоянно уничтожает жизнь, поэтому богиня приносит себя в жертву своему собственному животному». SWORD l*9f€9f ЬПёГШ «mot <f«r VJrUltfSrOM e»io*a*wa« tet wftvt** ••M up CO toot w 00U6 HARLOCKER "ZACK LOVES THE EAGLE, BECAUSE IT'S HER MOTIF. SO WE PLAYED THAT INTO THE UPPER PART OF THE SWORD.” “We were trying to figure out how to make a really grateful sword for Wonder Woman." says Harlockec. “Zatk wanted some inscription on both her shield and her sword, so we needed to create a language. We talked to a linguist who specialises in ancient scripts and extinct languages. There's a Joseph Campbell quote in h«s book Goddesses: Mystery of the Feminine Ohrine that Zack really liked So we translated that into this kind of hybrid extinct language and engraeed it onto the blades, and around the outside of the shield" ir*baniut*o CaryHI queer • ж*Ы onWondirWoman’i twordreadi l foil kWflgtirtjN'hrtira* jMsothrq WB
6. Запасной мощный крюк Обычно Бэтмен использует небольшой крюк, но для ситуаций, требующих быстрых маневров, в его арсенале имеется более серьезный вариант, который хранится в оружейном отсеке бэтмобиля или бэткрыла. NORMALLY BATMAN ROLLS WITH THE SMALLER GRAPPLING GUN, BUT IF HE NEEDS IT.THE HEAVY DUTY ONE’S EITHER IN THE WEAPONS AREA OF THE BATMOBILE OR IN THE “The second design looked nothing like a conventional weapon It’s hi-tech, a much more modern, futuristic thing," says Hartotker. "Zack was like, ‘I like it too. but I think we should go w ith the wood handle one." Stil. it was decided that Hartocker's team would make the prop anyway, which turned out to be just as well “The Mech Suit is a huge chunk of change * Harlocker continues. “The gloves he wears with it are literally hockey gloves, and when we did a fitting with him we put the grappling gun - the conventional, first generation grappling gun -in his hand and he couldn't hold it The gloves were too big. the gun was too small m his hand. So we said, 'You know what7 Let's pull out the other grappling gun' And that fit perfectly. In the vernacular of his Mech Suit, it looks great “
Batman v Superman,Бэтмен против Супермена: На заре справедливости,DC Extended Universe,Расширенная вселенная ДиСи,DC Comics,DC Universe, Вселенная ДиСи,фэндомы,Batman,Бэтмен, Темный рыцарь, Брюс Уэйн,Robin,Робин, Чудо мальчик,Bat Family,Бэт семья,Wonder Woman,Чудо Женщина, Диана Принс, Принцесса Диана из Фемискиры (Темискиры)
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